Nathan Rowbottom

Nathan Rowbottom : TLDB
(Too Long Didn't Browse)

I am an incessant learner. I love to come up with new ideas and possibilities. I am currently learning / teaching WebVR, AWS Virtual Machines, ML models for agent training and sensor monitoring, and how to make effective apps for learning indigenous languages.

As an educator, I am a big believer in the intrinsic motivation that comes from the creative process. I feel that the role of a 21st Century Teacher is to come up with 'ungooglable' problems and to mentor students on how to solve them.

I have always sought out a role in teaching other teachers and trying to challenge the educational paradigm. I have always played a role in helping other teachers to learn new skills and transform their practices. I am currently most interested in introducing new ways to encourage students to reflect on their learning, thus completing the medicine wheel of Teaching: modelling, assessment, feedback and reflection.