Nathan Rowbottom

About Nathan Personally

Nathan Rowbottom has acquired a variety of interests and off-beat pursuits over the years including: fossils, aquaponics, physics and computer programming. Putting aside past pursuits such as playing Rugby, raising Tilapia and studying Cosmology, Nathan currently spends about 30% learning new technologies, 30% teaching, 20% having adventures with his children on the Land, and 20% futilely trying to improve on Overwatch. :P

About Nathan Professionally

Nathan Rowbottom recently left his position of 13 years with the Halton School Board to join the STEAM Academy at Six Nations Polytechnic. Nathan made the change to fulfil a lifelong dream of empowering youth to make contributions to Haudinosaunee culture and language using the latests tool technology has to offer. His current projects are both ambitious and numerous as he struggles to find the right place to put his focus on.

Future Ambitions

  • Not for profit to build food capacity in northern native communities
  • Consulting on Technologies to Support Native Language Programs
  • To develop a space for conservation and sustainable development
  • To develop apps to support indigenous language learners